In a raging error I have no intention of repeating, I gave the news more than a cursory glance yesterday. I shouldn’t have done that. I know better. Although I like to keep generally apprised of the happenings in the world around me, I do not allow myself to make a steady diet of news and opinion articles. I detest most of what passes as news. Evil rhetoric staged to sway morals and instill fear is awarded absolutely no time in my day. Usually. Yesterday I failed to hold the line. What I read was discomfiting, jarring, encouraging feelings of fear, helplessness, and anxiety. Feeling likely similar to those burgeoning in the hearts of the people on Jerusalem’s wall as they listened to Sennacherib’s messenger spouting his putrid diatribe in an effort to force their surrender.
“What are you relying on?” he yelled. “You think your God will save you? He’s the one who sent us to destroy you! Don’t listen to your king Hezekiah. Don’t let him convince you to put your trust in God. Don’t think for a minute the Lord isn’t going to hand this city over to Assyria. Make peace with us. Let us in. We promise to make your life grand if you just do what we say. Give up. Give in. You can trust us. You can’t trust Hezekiah. Your God isn’t really going to save you. No other god has saved the people we set out to conquer. Do you really think your God is different? Is that a chance you want to take? Well…do you?” (II Kings 18:13-35)
For the last several weeks, maybe months, our local news has been deeply disheartening. Daily accounts of homicide, human trafficking, assault, and revenge crowd our headlines. Hate, fear, greed, and all the brokenness of humanity written out in Arial script for all to read. Worse still are national and global headlines. They are rife with consequences for the actions of individuals who love darkness rather than light. (John 3:19-20) Fighting. Arguing. Raging words. Mass shootings. Rioting. Underhanded politics. Corrupt agendas. Selfish ambitions served at the expense of others. All teeming from hearts full of pride, deceit, and moral turpitude. (Jeremiah 17:9)
As the stories, accounts, opinions, and facts swirl in a nauseating eddy of indecipherable truths and lies intent on instilling fear, swaying ideals, jading hearts, and chipping away at our faith, the prevailing question riding on the surface is still that posed by Sennacherib’s messenger. “What are you relying on?” Do you really believe that God follows through on His promises? Do you know in your soul that His vow never to leave you still stands? Does your heart subscribe and fully adhere to the command issued by God over and over again to not be afraid, be courageous? Do you trust in the truth of the words of Jesus, “Nothing is impossible with God?” (II Corinthians 1:20; Romans 4:21; Hebrews 13:5; Isaiah 41:13; Lamentations 3:57; Matthew 10:31; Luke 12:32; Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37)
There must have been some magnificent battles against fear waging in the hearts of those Israelite people as they sat on the city wall enduring this verbal assault. The law of averages says at least a few hearts were shaking, wondering, asking some serious questions, grappling their courage. In the end, they made their choice. Sennacherib’s messenger and all his men rode off through the eerie silence of God’s people choosing to do what Moses had commanded their ancestors to do as they stood beside the Red Sea watching Pharaoh and his army bearing down on them. “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm. Watch God take care of you. The battle is His. Stop fretting, worrying, talking. Be quiet and let God be God.” ( II Kings 18:36; Exodus 14:5-14)
It’s a daunting task, that one. I wonder at the sheer strength of their self-control as they battled their own fears and reactions to the doom-filled words they had just heard. Were they tamping down the desire to run home, gather their families, and head for the hills? Were they mentally staking claim to a cave in an undisclosed surrounding mountain where they could hide until the impending calamitous events had passed? Were there some considering capitulation? Were they still vacillating between faith and fear when God spoke words of peace to Hezekiah through Isaiah the prophet? Words that echoed the ones they had already followed as they engaged in silent warfare on the top of the wall, “Don’t let the things you just heard scare you.” The king of Assyria could send out all the silver-tongued speakers he wanted. He could line up all his horses and chariots and armies. None of it would matter. Even if they couldn’t see it, couldn’t feel it, could hardly believe it, God was already at work. (II Kings 19:5-7)
Admittedly, some days I can’t see God’s hand or feel Him working. I look at the headlines, interact with society, listen to the stories my children bring home from school and feel the suffocating darkness of this world close around my soul. In all my schoolgirl dreams of marriage and family, never once did I imagine a society so sinful, a world so full of evil, in which to raise my children. I wonder how we got so off course. Then I realize, it’s because we listened to the voice telling us that following God, trusting God, living for God was folly. It happened when we listened to the loudest, most eloquent voice instead of the still, small one. It all started when that silky, tempting voice offered us the world if we would just relent, give in, give up–and we did. We have sown the wind. It seems only the whirlwind awaits. It is not a refreshing thought. (I Peter 5:8; II Corinthians 11:14; Hosea 8:7)
Several months ago, my daughter started taking horseback riding lessons. A slightly built, often reserved child, I wasn’t sure how she’d do. It’s been remarkable. There is no problem with the tack, grooming, or mounting, no fear of riding. The hardest thing she’s had to learn is that the one who holds the reins, reigns. So often the horse will take off on his own path across the arena. He’ll choose to go visit a friend or stop walking to take a nap. Her instructor consistently reminds her that she is the one in charge. She holds the reins. My tiny baby girl probably feels like a fly on the back of that big old horse. He thinks he can do whatever he wants. Then she picks up the reins and he learns a new lesson. The one who holds the reins, reigns.
It is such a beautifully refreshing, spiritually restoring thought. Even more so when I came across the words of Psalm 99:1, “The Lord reigns!” There are no caveats. No exceptions. No joint arrangements with world leaders. The Lord reigns, end of story! No matter what is going on in your life, your community, your country, or the world at large, our sovereign God has not abdicated the heavens. He has not given His authority to anyone else. He still has the reins, and He reigns!
Maybe you aren’t like me. Maybe worry never plagues your mind. Maybe that unsettled feeling never nags your soul. Maybe doubt in God’s sovereignty never threatens to overtake your heart. Maybe the darkness around you never starts to cloud your spiritual skies. I hope that’s you. But if it isn’t, if you are just like me, I hope you’ll open your Bible and find refuge in Psalm 99:1 and every other passage like it. I hope you’ll remind yourself that God is sovereign. The reins of this world are solidly in His hands. His power is limitless. His promises are eternal. He is the light that confounds the darkness, drives it back, and makes a way where there doesn’t seem to be one. And He always takes care of His children. (Numbers 11:23; Psalm 97:1; Psalm 73:26; John 1:5; John 8:12; Isaiah 43:16; Matthew 6:25-34)
So on your darkest days, when the enchanting voices of the enemy and the world come calling, telling you to just give up, give in, give over–don’t. When you can’t see Him, can’t feel Him, can barely find the strength to believe He is working, stand on these words from Deuteronomy, “The eternal God is your dwelling, and underneath you are His everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27) It may not seem like it when you read the headlines, scroll your social media feeds, or talk to the neighbors. That makes it no less true. When everything is spinning out of control and the whole world is on a collision course with hell, be quiet. Be still. Be courageous. Place your faith, your hope, your confidence in the God who promised to never leave you alone. Know that He sees every predicament, temptation, trial, fear and isn’t stymied by them. Remind yourself that your help comes from God. He makes His dwelling in you and is greater than anything the world has on offer. He is not napping. He is working out His plan. His authority is eternal. His Kingdom is forever. God is sovereign. He reigns. And you can trust Him. (Psalm 37:39; II Timothy 4:18; Colossians 1:16; II Chronicles 20:6; I John 4:4; Psalm 115:3; Daniel 4:17, 32, 34-35; Psalm 9:10; Isaiah 26:3; II Corinthians 10:4)
God given insight. Thank you Naomi. It reminded me that sometimes God gives us the reins, allows us to work with and for Him. He does so in the confidence that we will look to Him when we’re uncertain. But if we let go of the reins, disastrous things can happen: to us, the horse, and to those around us. Whatever else may happen, don’t let go.