Have you noticed how obsessed our society is with dietary restrictions? The grocery shelves are lined with low fat, low carb, gluten-free, caffeine-free, sugarless, nut-free, soy-free products. Nearly every set of television commercials involves some new diet plan. While some folks choose a lifestyle including these products as healthier versions meant to achieve or maintain health goals or follow the latest diet fad, some of us choose these products because our lives literally depend on them. I’m that girl. The one whose food allergies and health concerns require extreme vigilance. For me, it’s not a diet fad, it’s my life. I’m just trying to stay alive.
This is not to say it isn’t frustrating. I wish I could walk into a chocolate shop and choose the most luscious chocolate in the case with no concern for contaminants. I want to visit a new coffee shop without asking the barista 4 times if they are sure my beverage is decaf. I’d love to visit a new restaurant without interrogating the staff before consuming the food. Truthfully, I’d be ecstatic if I could just find a package of English muffins I could safely consume!
Some days the frustration gets the best of me. During one such event, as I was bemoaning my plight and wishing I could just be “normal”, a still, quiet voice echoed in my mind, saying, “You can have all of Jesus you want.” I stopped mid-whine, instantly knowing it is true. No matter what I can’t have from the grocery store or a favorite restaurant, I can have as much of Jesus as I want. More than that, Jesus is what my soul craves most. He is my gluttonous pleasure.
I want to know Him deeply, personally, intimately. I want to know the amazing, magnanimous God of the Old Testament. The One who miraculously rescued His undeserving people over and over again. I want a deep, abiding friendship with the Jesus of the Gospels. The One who wasn’t afraid to eat with sinners like me. I want to experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit of Acts. I want it all. And I want it full caff. No Jesus light. No diet God. No sample Holy Spirit. I want it all. All day, every day.
And daily is where it’s at. Our lives are crammed full of quick service, low fat, low carb, nut-free, gluten-free, sugarless, to-go options we grab on our way to the next meeting, next game, next appointment. Our gluttonous pleasures are reduced to what fits in the only open slot on our overcrowded, overwhelmed, overworked schedule. Jesus is reduced to a half version of what we truly need Him to be because we are too busy to give Him time and space in our hearts and lives to be the full version of Himself.
This just in– Jesus doesn’t work like that. Relationship with Jesus Christ is all or nothing. Either your whole life is saturated with Him or you are starving your soul. There is no diet plan Jesus. (Matthew 6:24) You can’t opt-out of the commands you don’t like. You can’t call on Him only when you’re in crisis. You can’t fake relationship with Jesus. There is no substitute. Jesus comes only in full caff. (Revelation 3:15-16)
In a world where we are continually pressed to join some food plan, try the new fad diet, cut this, add that, the One thing you can always have is Jesus. All of Him. He calls our tired hearts and bodies to come to Him for rest and peace. (Matthew 11:28) He calls us to fill our empty souls with His Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18) And once full, He sends us out to show the world the truth about Jesus. His love. His mercy. His grace. Every single aspect of our lives should reflect His attributes. (Leviticus 20:7) If you are full of Jesus, everyone around you will know. You’ll be overflowing, because there is no reduced version.That is the purpose of this blog. To remind myself and every reader who blesses me with a moment of their time, to follow Jesus. Wholeheartedly. (Jeremiah 29:13) Incessantly. (I Chronicles 16:11) Tirelessly. (Psalm 63:1,8) Live His teachings, His commands, His heart. Show the world the boundlessness of Jesus. Love. Forgive. Obey. Help. Hope. Trust. (Ephesians 5:1-2) No matter how many low carb, fat-free, gluten-free, allergy-friendly, low sodium, sugarless packages fill your cupboards, you can still have full strength Jesus. So I invite you to join me as I open my Bible and drink in Jesus. All of Him. Every. Single. Drop. I have a lot to learn for sure, but this I know, my coffee might be decaf, but my Jesus isn’t!!